Democracy Forum -- Who’s Showing Up to Vote in November?

Friday, October 16, 2020
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM

LWV-Downeast hosts a monthly radio program on democracy in cooperation with WERU FM. This month, we will talk about research into voter motivation; how new information can affect the way people form political opinions, make political choices and, ultimately, take political actions; and how research into voter motivation might be relevant in the 2020 General Election. Special Guests: Shelly Crosby, Orono Town Clerk and the President of the Maine Town and City Clerks Association; Yanna KrupnikovAssociate Professor in the Department of Political Science at Stony Brook University; and Meg McCormickMaine Director & New England Coordinator, Campus Election Engagement Project.  Learn more here.

This show will be pre-recorded October 14. No listener calls will be taken, but comments may be emailed to with Democracy Forum on the subject line.

WERU 89.9 FM Blue Hill, streaming at