Beyond Registration: Effective Voter Engagement

Hosted On Zoom
Monday, August 19, 2024
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM

The League is well known for supporting voters by helping them register to vote, and we continue to do that work, but we often find that people are already registered. We've done good work updating Maine's laws to make it easier for people to register - we have online voter registration now, folks can register automatically with the Bureau of Motor Vehicles, student and tribal IDs are accepted for voter registration, and Maine continues to register new voters at the polls on election day.

While some folks, especially new citizens and young people, can still use our help, most eligible Mainers are registered to vote. 

We're still asked to provide voter registration tables, though! We're known for it, after all. This workshop focuses on how to use that opportunity to meaningfully engage with voters in a way that will encourage them to participate. You might only register one or two people, but you can help engage many more. Drawing on a combination of the available research and our own experiences connecting with voters, we'll walk you through the practices that we've found most effective. You'll leave the workshop with a personalized plan for how you'll make the most of every minute you have talking to people about voting.